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We are delighted to be one of the first providers offering EV SSL with the Speed-up LEI code verification feature, allowing us to issue EV SSL within one business day. The GoGetSSL™ BusinessTrust EV SAN certificate was developed in collaboration with Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA). It is trusted by 99.6% of known browsers, including mobile devices, and comes with a $1,000,000 warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee.


SSL Certificate Description

BusinessTrust EV SSL is our own SSL certificate powered by the world’s strongest CA – Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA). The certificate is backed by a $1,000,000 warranty, a 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason, unlimited free reissues, unlimited server licenses, and the best visual trust indicator called the green address bar. We provide both ECC and RSA algorithms at the same price, and you can use both simultaneously.


We are one of the first companies to start using LEI codes to expedite the document issuance process, as in most cases, no formalities are required. EV SSL is the best way to naturally increase conversions by up to 17.3%. BusinessTrust EV certificates are accompanied by the Site Seal logo, which helps build trusted relationships between you and your customers.


Logo Dynamic Site Seal

An incredible tool for building a positive online presence for your company is the use of dynamic Site Seal technology. Our BusinessTrust EV SSL allows you to install the Site Seal on the most popular and important pages of your website, such as the shopping cart, contact form, or homepage. The Site Seal is available in various PNG versions, allowing you to customize it for any design. Here’s a preview of one of the available brand seals.


Extended SSL Certification

Full verification of your organization is ensured through the Extended Validation (EV) procedures, giving you a $1,000,000 warranty and a green address bar. The certification center utilizes government databases to verify the company’s name, address, and publicly listed phone number. EV SSL certificates have the strongest verification standards, ultimately helping your business increase trust and conversions. Please check the full description of the extended certification process.


Google SEO Booster

Great news for all webmasters, as now every website with an installed SSL certificate gains a higher ranking in Google. We believe that Extended and Business Verification SSL certificates receive more top rankings compared to domain validation certificates, but these are minor changes in the Google algorithm.


Devices supported by GoGetSSL certificates

SSL compatibility is key to secure connections and data safety. GoGetSSL certificates work with 99.6% of known devices, including desktop and mobile browsers. Please refer to the full list of compatible devices.


EV SSL Comparison

Please utilize our ultimate SSL comparison tables created by our professional team to assist you in making the best choice. You can compare SSL certificates using various features such as warranty, validity period, hashing algorithm, number of SAN entries, mobile device compatibility, and many more. If you still have any doubts, please reach out to our sales team for further assistance.


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